SABFOIL (MOSES) ONDA 633 kaitfoils un kaitfoila dēlis
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Dēlim papildus 4 skrūvju stiprinājuma vietai ir custom iestrādāta karbona kompozītmateriāla sliede, kas ļauj montēt pie dēļa dažāda modeļa foilus. Dēlis SABFOIL (MOSES) T60 1440 x 470 x 60mm ir nokomplektēts ar kājsaitēm.
Stāvoklis: lietots, labā tehniskā stāvoklī
Izmērs: KIT M91 - W633 - S483 - FS710, Priekšējais spārns 1250cm2, masta garums 91cm
Cena: 2379.00 1000.00 EUR (ieguvums 1279.00 EUR) - 58%
Pārdod viens no SURFSHOP.LV braucējiem, tas nav veikala īpašums!!! Andis E., Tel.: divi9408817. Norēķins ir jāveic ar īpašnieku pa tiešo, bez mūsu starpniecības. Jautāt mums īpašnieka kontaktus.
Gads: 2019./2022.
Thousands of riders have bought K91633, and the reason is simple: it is the funniest foil on the market, capable of transforming any body of water into a real foil playground.
The full-carbon W633 wing, thanks to its low aspect ratio (3.3 AR) and a moderately inverted concave bottom gull-wing design, will take your foiling experience to another level.
The W633 combined with the S483 stabilizer allows you to foil from walk speed up to 25 knots. The W633/S483 combo is the choice for all those riders aiming to learn new maneuvers, surf small waves and progress their abilities.
Always keep the threaded holes of the fuselage clean and lubricate them often using lithium grease (code MHW033) to avoid and prevent oxidation and corrosion due to seawater. Always clean your fuselage with fresh water after use.